Don't you hate when you've blog hopped that much that you run out download usage and your speed is soooooooo slow!!!!
Well thats what I (and hubby) did last month. Terrible isn't it!
So I've had no speed to upload anything to my blog! But it all came back this morning so here is a few catch up posts!!!
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!
We had a fantastic day and weekend. The family came over Sunday morning for the Easter Hunt, which mind you, I have never done with my own kids!
My parents never did that for us. We just woke up with all our eggs on the ends of our beds.
So I started a new tradition for us with the Easter Hunt.
Here is a little chicken that my SIL made using a cupcake. Isn't it just the cutest!!!
These are little carrot gift boxes I saw on the Cosmo Cricket blog filled with Choc Sultanas and Peanuts or Jelly beans in Montana's.

This was when she found all the 'wows' and sat down for a feast!! She didn't know what they were and just unwrapped them and put them back in her basket.
So Happy belated Easter everyone!!!!
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