Can you believe it!!!
I've finished all the Christmas present shopping! And all the Christmas presents I am making are almost done. I've done 3 out of 5.
And I haven't touched a layout for so long!! Well touched the papers I have gone crazy buying to scrap with. But I haven't had time. I can't wait to do a page that I have planned and is floating around in my already overflowing brain!!
All the kids presents were all picked up and wrapped last week with one little one I had to get on Monday. I am so proud of myself.
I'm glad I am done though. There is no way on the earth that I am going to any shopping centres between now and Christmas. I ran in on Monday and it was crazy. I thought it would've been ok because the kids didn't finish school until yesterday. But obviously the mums were thinking the same as me "OMG, I have to get all the presents and wrap them because the kids will be home from Thursday and I won't get to do it with them around.' I'm just glad that I didn't have to walk around finding things for people. I knew what I needed and just got it and went. And during this whole time, Montana just slept!! What an angel.
Anyway, here are the presents I have made for people. One I sent and forgot to take photos of. Bugger!
not one for clutter and pretty things and has
a small unit, so this was nice and small.
his Grandparents in Sydney. They don't
see him throughout the year (due to
the distance, so I thought I would do this
every year a run down on what he has done
(in photos) through out the year.
1 comment:
What a delicious little that photo
XHave a great Chrissie Beccy Xj
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