I took Montana shopping on Monday to get DH's christmas present and to teach her *how* to shop and spot bargains. ;o) I took her into the parents room and fed and changed her and put her in her pram. Just as I was bending down and obviously twisting my back went POP! I fell to my knees with shooting pain. I crawled over to the couch (really nice parents room at Myer) and pulled myself up onto it. I am so glad no one else was in there. 2 mums had just left. I sat for about 15 mins hoping to let the pain subside. But it didn't. I was going to ring DH to come and get me. I could hardly walk, but slowly made my way down to the car. I don't know how I got Montana in the car and the pram in the boot.
I called the Chiropractor on the way home but there was no appointments until 4 that afternoon. So I went home until I had to pick DS up from school and went straight to the Chiro.
When a chiro says 'wow, that is really out and boy is it inflamed', it's scary. Unfortunately he couldn't crack it so I had to go back on the Tuesday morning.
I didn't have the best sleep that night.
When I went back on the Tues he was able to crack a little bit but not enough. So I had to just keep icing it and go back this Tues. (tomorrow)
This past week has been painful. I couldn't bend down, couldn't pick up Montana, couldn't stand for too long or even sit for too long. I couldn't do anything and it was driving me mental.
The poor kids copped it. I was so tired from not sleeping and in pain and feeling useless, I let rip on the kids and told them their rooms were pigstys and they were so lazy.
But finally I am feeling better now. I am moving around and slowly but not fully bending down. Still a bit sore in the lower back, but not looking forward to the Chiro tomorrow. I hate going, but I know how good I feel afterwards. I don't like the cracking sound and especially when he does my neck, I feel so ill and dizzy from the sound.
I did manage to do some scrapping on Sunday.
It's our 1st anniversary today and DH got me a $50 voucher for the LSS. He said as he handed it to me last friday 'well the first is paper'. How sweet he is. We went to the LSS and I spent it on the Sat. He couldn't believe what I got. He said 'I thought you would've got a sh** load of stuff.' That's when I told him that it wasn't the cheapest hobby. He looked disappointed.
Anyway, here are some of the creations from Sunday and some of my favourite pics from this past week.............
I don't think this one is finished. I want to add some buttons.
It's not for a comp or anything. Just one I had sitting for ages not knowing what to do with it.

This one is for the Scrap Therapy Monthly Challenge
This is for a comp at the local LSS. They provide the paper packs.
Hopefully my little cherub will sleep a bit this week when she is supposed to. All my housework is done, but I really should be doing my school work. Maybe one hour a day and the rest for my home work. Scrapping is soothing!!! and it will help me from going nuts with all this school work and give me a bit of a break.
Wish me luck for the Chiropractors tomorrow!!
Until then..........
Beautiful layouts! I especially love the one of your beautiful wee girl, so precious! Good luck with your back, I got a compressed fracture in my spine earlier in the year and it flattened me, still bothers me on a daily basis too. :))
Great pages Bec. I hope your back is feeling better now. Just popping in to let you know that you have won the rak on my blog for the letter stash guess. Can you email me your addie.
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